
Boss Yelled at Me for Suggesting a Bulk Mailing Service

So I posted here about two weeks ago now about this massive mailing project that I was faced with. We spent about $1600 on just stamps, that wasn't including more envelopes and the printing costs. I calculated on my own time how much it would cost if we used a bulk mailing service instead, this took me like five minutes max I think. Anyways, I told my boss what the costs would be and how it would save us about 25%, Plus** I would be able to focus on all of the other tasks she wanted me to complete on top of this huge project. Needless to say that didn't go over well, she started yelling at me about how I am wasting all of my time trying to figure out how not to do my job instead of focusing on actually doing my job. I told her that wasn't…

So I posted here about two weeks ago now about this massive mailing project that I was faced with. We spent about $1600 on just stamps, that wasn't including more envelopes and the printing costs. I calculated on my own time how much it would cost if we used a bulk mailing service instead, this took me like five minutes max I think.

Anyways, I told my boss what the costs would be and how it would save us about 25%, Plus** I would be able to focus on all of the other tasks she wanted me to complete on top of this huge project. Needless to say that didn't go over well, she started yelling at me about how I am wasting all of my time trying to figure out how not to do my job instead of focusing on actually doing my job. I told her that wasn't it at all, I was just trying to be helpful. She continued yelling about how “I don't know what it takes to run an organization” and that she “was insulted that I assumed that she didn't think of that already”.

I let her know that she doesn't tell me about anything, she just plops things in my lap to do so I wouldn't know that she even attempted to outsource this project.

“That isn't your job. What I want you to fucking do is on your list. You can't even get what is on your list done. Why would I listen to you?”

Mind you, my list consisted of this huge project, filing away a fuck ton of invoices, entering over 1,600 people into our database, ordering and packing stuff for our bookstore, sending bulk emails, processing checks, processing orders, filing registrations, preparing webinars, and more.

She seems to think that my problem is Time Management. She thinks that I am not “physically slow at what I am doing” but I need to manage my time better by doing a couple of tasks a little at a time. Which is wild to me because task hopping is like notoriously bad for productivity. She also admitted that she probably isn't the best boss because she is always gone and she didn't train me properly.

Also, she yelled at me with her door open so the entire office could hear that I was getting chewed out and I have never felt so embarrassed in my entire life.

I am at the end of my rope, this is just one thing that has happened in a huge list of things that have happened but I think it is the thing that has sent me over the edge.

For instance, one thing that happened yesterday:

My birthday is coming up and we are going to lunch to celebrate. Well, everyone but me is going to the board meeting and I guess for one of the board meeting activities they are going to go to Disneyland. But they are surprising my boss because she loves Disney. So they were asking me if at my birthday lunch if I would fake ask when they are going axe throwing because my boss hates axe throwing and it would be so funny to watch her reaction. I don't really want to do that, I already feel bad enough about being left out, but I especially don't want to make it fun for everyone else.

Or, something that happened a few months ago:
I told them that I was getting eloped over the weekend and they just stared at me blankly. No congratulations or anything like that.

It is just demoralizing.

NOTE: We don't have an HR department. We are an extremely small office.

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