
Bosses are degrading and hurting my mental health.

I recently started working at a bakery about a week ago. The other morning I came in and I was in the kitchen by myself for about an hour until the other baker came in. While I was waiting for them, I was told to bake some batches of cookies. This was my first time doing it by myself so I was a little nervous. I ended up over baking some by like a minute and they weren’t burnt but they were a little crunchy. It was an honest mistake, I really didn’t mean to f**k it up. I did it for the exact time that one of the owners wrote on a piece of paper but they still came out the way they did. One of the owners came in the kitchen to check how I did on the cookies and she said they were burnt and they needed…

I recently started working at a bakery about a week ago. The other morning I came in and I was in the kitchen by myself for about an hour until the other baker came in. While I was waiting for them, I was told to bake some batches of cookies. This was my first time doing it by myself so I was a little nervous. I ended up over baking some by like a minute and they weren’t burnt but they were a little crunchy.

It was an honest mistake, I really didn’t mean to f**k it up. I did it for the exact time that one of the owners wrote on a piece of paper but they still came out the way they did. One of the owners came in the kitchen to check how I did on the cookies and she said they were burnt and they needed to be thrown out. They weren’t. They were golden brown. But I obviously held my tongue because what she says, goes.

The other staff at the bakery told me that if any of the cookies or cupcakes break, we can’t sell them so we usually toss them or eat them. It’s usually like two cookies out of 15 dozen that break and it’s not everyday. So by that logic, I let one of the other staff have one of the cookies that were gonna be thrown away. No big deal, right? It was going in the garbage anyway.

Well I guess I was wrong because she freaked out and said don’t give my f**king products away for free and she just kept going and swearing. I said I’m really sorry I genuinely thought it was okay since they were being tossed anyway.

So I started making new batches before I threw the “burnt” ones away so I could quickly get the new ones in the oven. Well she comes back and sees I haven’t thrown them away yet and says “throw those fucking cookies away, they’re pissing me off” in just the nastiest tone ever. I mean the way she spoke to me, it made me feel exactly the way my emotionally abusive mother did. I went into the walk in to just cry it out. I feel like I have to walk on eggshells and the whole thing made me feel like a stupid child.

I went to talk to the other owner (her husband) about it and how it made me feel and he said she just put her dog down a week ago and that I should just have some compassion. He also basically said he was on his wife’s side and that she’s like that a lot and I need to just get over it. I felt completely invalidated. I don’t know if my feelings are valid or if genuinely deserved it.

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