
Bosses can’t work

The company I work for recently laid off all of the “grunt” labor to save money (except for me, I'm a pseudo manager/worker). They keep being surprised about things not getting done. “None of this is that hard!” Says the new CEO, confused why the company is behind on everything. Yo, bro, to save money, you fired everyone that actually works! The company is left with nothing BUT the managers who know nothing except for to tell everyone else what to do. I'm stuck managing literally all of the labor that keeps the company afloat while these idiots stand around discussing how all of their minimum wage workers fucked them by not being more productive. Hey, while you're bitching about how useless all your cheap employees were, do you think you could give me a hand? I've got to make the product and ship it for you. Alone. Oh, these…

The company I work for recently laid off all of the “grunt” labor to save money (except for me, I'm a pseudo manager/worker). They keep being surprised about things not getting done. “None of this is that hard!” Says the new CEO, confused why the company is behind on everything. Yo, bro, to save money, you fired everyone that actually works! The company is left with nothing BUT the managers who know nothing except for to tell everyone else what to do. I'm stuck managing literally all of the labor that keeps the company afloat while these idiots stand around discussing how all of their minimum wage workers fucked them by not being more productive. Hey, while you're bitching about how useless all your cheap employees were, do you think you could give me a hand? I've got to make the product and ship it for you. Alone. Oh, these bitching clowns make 5x the people they “had” to lay off that actually did all the work that kept the company afloat.

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