
Bosses underhanded comments. I’m over it. Hit back or just find a new job. I’m assuming the latter.

Hope I can post this here. Anyways. I've been in a new job for under a year. It's not my area of specialty. I decided to try something new. And well I hate it. A lot happened from another new employee having a breakdown to me when I first started. She was stressed and dumped her stress on me. Anyways it really ruined the job to start. I wish she hadn't come up to me for support. That shit went on for 6 months! She's better now but man what bad start for me. Now my boss. He's a jerk. Talks down to ppl and now he has set his sights on talking down to me. (Maybe I posted about this before here?) Today at work we were talking about name origins and he proceeds to tell me about the meaning of my name. Literally guys he says “oh yah.…

Hope I can post this here. Anyways. I've been in a new job for under a year. It's not my area of specialty. I decided to try something new. And well I hate it. A lot happened from another new employee having a breakdown to me when I first started. She was stressed and dumped her stress on me. Anyways it really ruined the job to start. I wish she hadn't come up to me for support. That shit went on for 6 months! She's better now but man what bad start for me.

Now my boss. He's a jerk. Talks down to ppl and now he has set his sights on talking down to me. (Maybe I posted about this before here?)

Today at work we were talking about name origins and he proceeds to tell me about the meaning of my name. Literally guys he says “oh yah. I looked your name up it means “nothing”. I shot back with the actual meaning of my name to shut him down. I hate having to laugh stuff off in the moment.

Tomorrow I'm going to my supervisor and then going over the boss's head to his boss. I'm not doing this guys. I'm also going to my union for advice.

I fully hate this job and intend to quit as soon as I have a new job.

Any thoughts on this?

Jealousy? Envy? Hate? Just doesn't like me?

I've been super quiet at work for the last 7 months. So most of my time here. This isn't me. I'm more social even though I'm not big on socializing at work. I'm friendly.

But I'm done. Fuck this guy. I hope he feels like shit soon. But then again. I hope I can just leave this place. Uggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh. I could have been at a better job but I chose this one. So many regrets.

We are well paid professionals in our field so I really don't get this guy. If he regrets hiring me why make me permanent? Should have kept me temp.

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