
Bosses wont let me take time off because I’ve used all of my unpaid vacation days on my broken ankle

I fell down the stairs in the beginning of April which resulted in me breaking my ankle and needing surgery. I can't return back to work until I'm walking again which is doctors orders. We're given 16 unpaid vacation days which I'm now finding out today that they've used them towards my time off being injured and I can't take time off anymore for the entire year. don't qualify for FMLA because I haven't been there 12 months. They won't fire me, which at this point I want because then I can at least get unemployment. They told me they would hold my job for me but while I've been looking for jobs I saw my position on indeed. There's no reason I couldn't have been working from home. Everything I do is on the computer, my co-worker who holds basically the same position as me works from home on…

I fell down the stairs in the beginning of April which resulted in me breaking my ankle and needing surgery. I can't return back to work until I'm walking again which is doctors orders. We're given 16 unpaid vacation days which I'm now finding out today that they've used them towards my time off being injured and I can't take time off anymore for the entire year. don't qualify for FMLA because I haven't been there 12 months. They won't fire me, which at this point I want because then I can at least get unemployment. They told me they would hold my job for me but while I've been looking for jobs I saw my position on indeed. There's no reason I couldn't have been working from home. Everything I do is on the computer, my co-worker who holds basically the same position as me works from home on Fridays but they won't work with me to help THEM. The worst of this is I work at a mental health clinic, when I was hired they told me they're all about self-care, taking mental health days, work-life balance and all that other bullshit. I think I've secured another job so I don't have to return there and I'll find out in a day or two. I can't wait to call them and basically tell them to eat shit.

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