
Brad Roberts (of Crash Test Dummies fame) tells a story in 2018

I really think this has the antiwork sentiment. It includes some insulting language (trigger warning) but I think it is highly entertaining and spot on! The “poem” is called “Scientific management”. Here are some links to it: I have added below my transcript of it. All mistakes are my own. Also, I'm not a native English speaker/writer (one other obligatory disclaimer) 😀 ​ —- Brad Roberts: You know, tonight actually I think might be a good night for me to a- to bust out my book of poems. Remember how Jewel got famous and then she wrote a book of poems? Well, I did too. And it's gonna be huge! We'll see what happens here. ​ Scientific management I've never wanted a job. I've always been extremely bored about the idea of having a job. Extremely bored. The few real jobs I've ever had – the jobs in…

I really think this has the antiwork sentiment. It includes some insulting language (trigger warning) but I think it is highly entertaining and spot on! The “poem” is called “Scientific management”. Here are some links to it:

I have added below my transcript of it. All mistakes are my own. Also, I'm not a native English speaker/writer (one other obligatory disclaimer) 😀


Brad Roberts:

You know, tonight actually I think might be a good night for me to a- to bust out my book of poems.

Remember how Jewel got famous and then she wrote a book of poems?

Well, I did too. And it's gonna be huge!

We'll see what happens here.

Scientific management

I've never wanted a job. I've always been extremely bored about the idea of having a job. Extremely bored. The few real jobs I've ever had – the jobs in offices or factories completely drained me. Emptied me right out. At the end of the workday I'd go home, eat dinner, pass out, wake up the next day. Same routine again. Weekend comes, is over, and I blink: slow murder.

Maybe that's why I've always had a certain soft spot for hopeless bums in the street who want my money. Now, of course, it's silly to romanticize the bum's life. It's no more enviable than any other. But still, I like giving bums money. Even if only to spite all the idiots in all those offices I've worked in.

Who hate bums! Who despise the wasted cheap labor that the bum represents. Or, who take some sort of patronizing attitude towards the bum like:

“Oh me, I don't give bums money, I'd rather buy them some food so that I know that they are not spending money on the wrong thing…”

Myself, I not only give bums money, I give them beer! Sometimes I'll be walking down the street with a bag of beer in my hand and some bum will ask me for money and I'll say: “Sorry pal, not today”. Then I'll give him a scornful look and I'll reach into my bag:

“But here's a beer instead!”

I get a nice little self-serving feeling of satisfaction when I see the bum's eyes light up, he is so pleased and surprised to have a citizen giving him a beer! And what feels best of all when I'm handing that bum that beer on that busy street and I feel those eyes on me watching

the jerks from the offices, their bitchy secretaries, the idiots from the factories, the smug mothers and their brainwashed children..

And I know that everyone watching is appalled as I reach out to that bum and give him that nice cold beer.

For I have sinned against the citizenry, I have become an accomplice in the great crime of bums everywhere

The delicious sin of unproductivity.

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