
“Bring me solutions, not problems”

First, it should be said that the people who identify problems aren’t always in the best position to solve them; problems are best solved together. Second, a work culture that discourages us from speaking up is bound to bring disaster…That sentiment is particularly pronounced in environments that lack trust and employees don’t feel psychologically secure. If you're the boss, aren't you being paid to problem-solve? I have never understood that phrase. Major red flag.

First, it should be said that the people who identify problems aren’t always in the best position to solve them; problems are best solved together. Second, a work culture that discourages us from speaking up is bound to bring disaster…That sentiment is particularly pronounced in environments that lack trust and employees don’t feel psychologically secure.

If you're the boss, aren't you being paid to problem-solve? I have never understood that phrase. Major red flag.

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