
Broken promises from company starting new job

I accepted a new job at a large company that I started a few weeks ago. I have been having issues getting benefits set up and have gone back and forth at least a dozen times with HR department who has so far been unable to successfully troubleshoot me even after “closing my ticket” several times. My SO and I both have pressing healthcare needs we’ve been postponing because— well, we can’t go to these appointments without the health insurance. So until we get this squared out, our health is in limbo. My second problem I’m facing here is that I was told I would be paid $50+/hr depending on the shift. But now I’m finding out that for my first month, I will only be getting paid around $35/hr because I’m on “orientation”. To be clear, I got one week of actual orientation where people were helping me here…

I accepted a new job at a large company that I started a few weeks ago. I have been having issues getting benefits set up and have gone back and forth at least a dozen times with HR department who has so far been unable to successfully troubleshoot me even after “closing my ticket” several times. My SO and I both have pressing healthcare needs we’ve been postponing because— well, we can’t go to these appointments without the health insurance. So until we get this squared out, our health is in limbo.

My second problem I’m facing here is that I was told I would be paid $50+/hr depending on the shift. But now I’m finding out that for my first month, I will only be getting paid around $35/hr because I’m on “orientation”. To be clear, I got one week of actual orientation where people were helping me here and there. But since then, I’ve been on my own without assistance.

I feel like I’ve been bait and switched on the pay even though it’s just for 1 month. And I also feel like I was promised benefits that I now have not received and have no faith that I will receive in a timely manner moving forward. I’m not even mentioning all the other promised benefits that I will also be unable to partake in until this is resolved like the 401k match.

I’m just frustrated and it’s just unnecessarily added stress. Like benefits are part of my pay package and not only are you not paying me what you said you would pay me for the first month, but now you’re also not giving me promised benefits in exchange for my time? I’m brainstorming recourse in where to go from here

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