
Bullied at a company all about its “Culture”

I started on as a temp at a growing lending business. It is a local company started by a guy with a lot of inside industry experience that wanted his own company. The work I did was pretty menial at first but then I got some good experience in managing some stuff with documents. At a certain point it became too much with my personal life. But all along there was something off about their whole “our culture” thing. They were ranked in some best workplace lists and it was pretty decent. But people there were so shitty in such a personal and demeaning way I couldn’t believe the culture thing by the time I left. I would always catch my coworkers giving me shitty looks and being weird with me as they walked past me. I was right by the restrooms so it happened all the time. It was…

I started on as a temp at a growing lending business. It is a local company started by a guy with a lot of inside industry experience that wanted his own company. The work I did was pretty menial at first but then I got some good experience in managing some stuff with documents. At a certain point it became too much with my personal life. But all along there was something off about their whole “our culture” thing.

They were ranked in some best workplace lists and it was pretty decent. But people there were so shitty in such a personal and demeaning way I couldn’t believe the culture thing by the time I left.

I would always catch my coworkers giving me shitty looks and being weird with me as they walked past me. I was right by the restrooms so it happened all the time. It was like a little group of them all doing this to me anytime I was near them or them near me.

One time as I was standing up from my desk to leave for the day there I looked over the cubicle wall and saw there was a group of people walking through the office. Three guys a bit younger than me looked me dead in my face and started laughing at me. I was so confused and gave them a look and they gave me one back like “what.”

All day long anywhere I was anything I was doing somebody would be a distraction. Somebody would just demand my attention for whatever reason, (I guess the culture allows that?) even though we were all working. Or at least were expected to be working.

It’s fucking still getting at me though. I’m glad I’m out but WTF. All the employees seemed like bigoted Christian zealots, to me. It was all pretty consistent with anti-atheist discrimination I’ve gotten before. But then the CEO is Jewish. So I really think they were sabotaging the culture thing. Or maybe it was some kind of political commentary by my coworkers? I just see it as shitty, it was for me so I just wanna leave it comfortably there.

In the end I couldn’t do it. I didn’t like what we were doing. Or the torture I was enduring daily from coworkers. Plus a task got impossibly difficult and I became very stressed.

I was thinking a lot about some weird Korean Christian movement. With the fixation on indemnity. And I know that Koreans own a lot of businesses. They’re super entrepreneurial.

Now I just think my time there was at the bottom of some nazist nationalist pit and I was just being asked to put the lotion on my skin all day. “Anti-work is uns,” though, right? I can find some support here I hope lol

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