
Bullying at my work is getting real wild

So I’ve posted previously but things have got… well… crazy. First up – please don’t tell me to “just find another job”. I’ve been working my butt off to try and find a new one and I’m the sole source of income for my home and can’t just take a breather and pay bills at the same time. Trust me, I’d take another opportunity with open arms. Ok with that out the way… A quick summary is that over the past year I’ve had three bullies in my team to deal with. My boss, who I’ll call Cheryl, the 2IC who I’ll call Jenny and my colleague who I’ll call Anne. Cheryl’s bullying has been belittling and includes exclusion, yelling, undermining, overloading workloads, stealing my ideas and reallocating them to her favourites etc. that kinda thing. So I lodged a HR complaint and of course they blamed me and instead…

So I’ve posted previously but things have got… well… crazy.

First up – please don’t tell me to “just find another job”. I’ve been working my butt off to try and find a new one and I’m the sole source of income for my home and can’t just take a breather and pay bills at the same time. Trust me, I’d take another opportunity with open arms.

Ok with that out the way…

A quick summary is that over the past year I’ve had three bullies in my team to deal with. My boss, who I’ll call Cheryl, the 2IC who I’ll call Jenny and my colleague who I’ll call Anne.

Cheryl’s bullying has been belittling and includes exclusion, yelling, undermining, overloading workloads, stealing my ideas and reallocating them to her favourites etc. that kinda thing. So I lodged a HR complaint and of course they blamed me and instead of doing anything about her, gave me an official warning for the one time I told her off about bullying me.

Jenny was like Cheryl lite, but has since left so she’s out of the way.

Now, Anne. And I’m just going to say holy heck. This woman is psycho. She has been rude, nasty, creepy, etc, now, she’s turning up wherever I go, lurking creepily. It seems she’s 50/50 obsessed with me and wanting to stab me in my sleep. So the other day a police SWAT team turns up on my door, accusing me of posting Anne a death threat. I’ve never sent anything to her, especially not a death threat. The police were disgusting and treated me like a criminal. I told them to leave and they had to bedside all they had to go on was her lie. But they gave me an ominous warning they could do more next time if she decides to press charges.

Let me repeat: Her entire story is a lie.

I immediately reported this and my company says it’s investigating, but she’s still employed and being treated like a regular employee. I’m putting $10 on her not even getting a formal warning.

I’ve done some investigating and found out she’s been fired for similar incidents at most of her former jobs, and bosses haven’t been doing reference checks, so she just keeps on somehow walking into new jobs. I feel that makes Cheryl either complicit or negligent.

I’ll find out more tomorrow. I do have an appointment with a workplace lawyer. So I’ll see how it goes.

Exhausted is an understatement.

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