
Burn-out before even starting a real job?

I'm not a native English speaker, so it could be hard to get my ideas across very precisely. I wanted to start by giving you all a little introduction of myself: I always loved learning at school, I would even give up on going out with my friends, thus I am a bit awkward socially. It's not that I have no friends at all, I do and they're great, but they're also all (or most of them at least) talking about starting a summer job to earn some money. We're all 18/19 (Born in 2004) and we all did some “work” before (either help somebody or take part in some competitions with money prizes). Thanks to my love to learn maths and sciences (particularly physics) I want to go to uni and study applied maths. They're also trying to motivate me, which is great, but they will almost never study…

  1. I'm not a native English speaker, so it could be hard to get my ideas across very precisely.

I wanted to start by giving you all a little introduction of myself:

I always loved learning at school, I would even give up on going out with my friends, thus I am a bit awkward socially. It's not that I have no friends at all, I do and they're great, but they're also all (or most of them at least) talking about starting a summer job to earn some money. We're all 18/19 (Born in 2004) and we all did some “work” before (either help somebody or take part in some competitions with money prizes). Thanks to my love to learn maths and sciences (particularly physics) I want to go to uni and study applied maths. They're also trying to motivate me, which is great, but they will almost never study at uni, as they want to focus on earning something immediately and moving out ASAP.

That's where my burn-out starts.

I am a math tutor for some kids and earn decently (2.5x minimum hourly wage here in Poland), have savings for later in life. And that's weird, since I don't have to save yet, nor I want to spend my hard earned cash. My parents are lovely and they've always supported me, whether it was emotionally (I had a really bad depressive episode due to my blood illness and overly thinking about the future) or financially (they pay for food, rent, all media and additional things, etc.), so I only had to worry about my exam results at most. I think now about what will I want to do later in life and I've come to an almost dreadful(?) conclusion:

No matter what I'll do and my earnings will be, it isn't worth it and chasing the “better lifestyle” doesn't make sense to me.

I could learn (in theory) how to code, use my mathematical abilities and be better than fine, but I don't see the point? I don't need to have the best car, the biggest house, the best family (I don't want to start one at all ever) and it all just feels weird. I'd just like to work to support my hobby (origami, as you could see on my profile) and my family, but I myself would like to live in mediocre conditions, because I'd rather give my all to my parents, grandparents and my sister than to be all posh and luxurious.

I guess I know only a tiny bit about life, because I cannot explain my actions.

I am with all members of r/antiwork, work just seems useless, because there's either a job that will be horrible and low paying OR demanding and giving you the best life, but at the cost of your mental (and often physical) health. Or I am just delusional and/or depressed, I don't even know now.

I needed to get this off my system and rant about it somewhere.

“The grind” is pointless and encouraging you to earn and spend is stupendous.

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