
Burnt out after long -drawn-out promotion process at work, only feel apathy now that I got the promotion

Seriously, this has been dragging on for a year. My company makes us jump through all of these hoops, like play the role for a minimum of 6 months. And then once you are 'deemed fit' you spend 6 months interviewing with various managers at various levels to get them to sign off on your promotion. Once that promotion is approved, they won't announce it for another 2 months or even tell you what your new compensation will be. They don't give you anything in writing until a day before your promotion goes into effect. It's all verbal promises up until then. I'm so exhausted by this whole process, and of having to wait in a state of suspense for them to give me the paperwork and announce it. I only feel apathy now. It doesn't feel 'real' and I resent the whole process. What is the point of this…

Seriously, this has been dragging on for a year. My company makes us jump through all of these hoops, like play the role for a minimum of 6 months. And then once you are 'deemed fit' you spend 6 months interviewing with various managers at various levels to get them to sign off on your promotion. Once that promotion is approved, they won't announce it for another 2 months or even tell you what your new compensation will be. They don't give you anything in writing until a day before your promotion goes into effect. It's all verbal promises up until then. I'm so exhausted by this whole process, and of having to wait in a state of suspense for them to give me the paperwork and announce it. I only feel apathy now. It doesn't feel 'real' and I resent the whole process. What is the point of this soul-sucking process? Especially since my company claims that they want everyone to move up. Make it easier then? If you already decided I'm good after playing the role for 6 months, then promote me and draft up an offer in writing that shows my new salary. I think this process was designed to keep on my toes and in a state of uncertainty. I have zero desire to celebrate my promotion or even tell anyone.

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