
By the way, you should stop letting your children watch propaganda on the TV

Any television show that teaches kids that they have to compete to survive instead of cooperate with each other. Any television show that promotes CEO's who sabotage competition, bully competitors, and work to impress. Any show that glorifies the selling of labor as a passion. That if you work hard at the company, you'll eventually be promoted. All of that is propaganda to get people interested in the system. Unregulated competition is what leads to corporations. People work to live, not live to work. If you want to work it should be a choice.

Any television show that teaches kids that they have to compete to survive instead of cooperate with each other. Any television show that promotes CEO's who sabotage competition, bully competitors, and work to impress. Any show that glorifies the selling of labor as a passion. That if you work hard at the company, you'll eventually be promoted.

All of that is propaganda to get people interested in the system. Unregulated competition is what leads to corporations. People work to live, not live to work. If you want to work it should be a choice.

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