
Calling in instead of putting in PTO

Every aspect of my job is great, except the fact that I can’t take off. In the past year I have placed 24 PTO request and only 2 had been approved and both were only approved for leaving early 4 hours, a compromise and only because my manager already planned on being at work. I worked being understaffed for 7 months. Half of the shift open(4 out of 8), some days just me and an extern because other people got their PTO approved. But I’m denied because of too many open shifts. I was told this would be better once people were hired and I stuck it out because I was on a contract. All my PTO was placed 8 months in advance(the earliest you can place it) and they were all denied in that 7 month period and I had to cancel my vacation and some days I knew…

Every aspect of my job is great, except the fact that I can’t take off. In the past year I have placed 24 PTO request and only 2 had been approved and both were only approved for leaving early 4 hours, a compromise and only because my manager already planned on being at work.

I worked being understaffed for 7 months. Half of the shift open(4 out of 8), some days just me and an extern because other people got their PTO approved. But I’m denied because of too many open shifts. I was told this would be better once people were hired and I stuck it out because I was on a contract.
All my PTO was placed 8 months in advance(the earliest you can place it) and they were all denied in that 7 month period and I had to cancel my vacation and some days I knew I wasn’t going to have a babysitter(hence the PTO) and had to scramble.

The past 4 months we have been fully staffed and my PTO is still being denied because of how many new people and they need ‘guidance’ and that after a year they should be okay on their own then. But the new people are getting approved PTO. Some of these days being days I had asked for PTO, before them putting in their own request. Per the policy, if you call in on a previously denied PTO day, it’s a write up for misconduct.

Of note, I am getting paid a ‘lead’ position but when I interviewed for it I had specifically asked if it would be harder for me to take off and I was told it would have no affect on me wanting to take off.

I’ve decided I’m just going to call in on the days I need off with no warning besides the 2 hours before my shift. I’ll also being looking for another job. I’m fed up.

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