
Calling out during Holiday season (Retail)

I work at a fragrance store with only 4 workers total. I am a part time worker but this month my job has me scheduled full time because they didn't hire a seasonal associate. Why would I work full time if I am not receiving the benefits? But I agreed to do it anyways since it is only this month and I could make good commission. I now found out that I have a medical emergency that requires me to get a procedure ASAP. I'm not only physically messed up over this, but it is really affecting my mental health as well. I need to take a week off for it and my manager is trying to make me feel guilty about it and having an attitude and no empathy at all. I'm so tired of retail and these “blackout dates” where you can't call out or request off at…

I work at a fragrance store with only 4 workers total. I am a part time worker but this month my job has me scheduled full time because they didn't hire a seasonal associate. Why would I work full time if I am not receiving the benefits? But I agreed to do it anyways since it is only this month and I could make good commission.
I now found out that I have a medical emergency that requires me to get a procedure ASAP. I'm not only physically messed up over this, but it is really affecting my mental health as well. I need to take a week off for it and my manager is trying to make me feel guilty about it and having an attitude and no empathy at all. I'm so tired of retail and these “blackout dates” where you can't call out or request off at all, as if we are not human beings. Emergencies happen. I'm tired of having to feel guilty about the company choosing not to hire seasonal help!! I'm ready to quit but I'm gonna wait and see if they fire me first. If she fires me because of my medical issues is that legal?? I live in an at-will state so maybe it is.
Also one of my coworkers is extremely ignorant and is convinced that certain perfumes “only smell good on fair skin”. I told him that wasn't true at all. Yet the next day I literally heard him say it to a customer. I was appalled. I told my manager and she didn't say anything to him at all about it.

Also we only receive our commission for the current month in the 2nd paycheck of the next month and you have to still be employed with the company in order to receive it. so if I get fired/quit I won't be able to get the extra couple hundred dollars that I made selling this month. So ridiculous.

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