
Calling out Tomorrow feel pretty good about it.

So I work as a little old cashier, I work normally Saturday nights from 5-11. I have had a string of different second people on the shift to help. The manager hired a woman to work those nights but all of a sudden can't work nights. So he switched things around and put on another worker that I refuse to work with after she started to spread rumors about me to other co-workers. This is the same person that demanded I be switched from working 8am-2pm on Saturdays (shifts I really liked) cause I'm lazy no good and all the customers in the morning hate me. With everything this woman has done to me called me and my wife I've always taken the high road and put my head down and worked with her. But I refuse too on a busy Saturday night when I know she'll vanish into an…

So I work as a little old cashier, I work normally Saturday nights from 5-11. I have had a string of different second people on the shift to help. The manager hired a woman to work those nights but all of a sudden can't work nights. So he switched things around and put on another worker that I refuse to work with after she started to spread rumors about me to other co-workers. This is the same person that demanded I be switched from working 8am-2pm on Saturdays (shifts I really liked) cause I'm lazy no good and all the customers in the morning hate me. With everything this woman has done to me called me and my wife I've always taken the high road and put my head down and worked with her. But I refuse too on a busy Saturday night when I know she'll vanish into an isle to do “inventory” leaving me to handle all customers and on line orders that come through while she chats with all her friends and starts proclaiming to people “I'm hardest worker here!”. Normally I wouldn't be able to afford to skip a day and not make up the hours but heck I got it in my budget to do it so I'm going to count this as a mental health day.

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