
Came to sudden realization I just can’t stand open space/working in office – is it ok?

So I've been browsing this subreddit for a quite while, and however I don't think I'm anti-worker in the fullest meaning of this word, some mind stuff has hit me recently and I decided people here could kindly help me out by giving a piece of advice. Firstly, I've been brought up with a thing that a man should provide, and never was against hard work alltogether with everything that comes with it, like long time travelling, working over hours w/o additional payment etc (I work in IT + Finance sphere, techincal support of ERP systems if someone cares lol). My first work was about 2 or 2 and a half hours from home (been working 2014 – 2016), then I changed it in 2017 up to 2018 and then I went almost full remote with intergrating of above said systems. Afterwards a new job offer raised recently (I've dropped…

So I've been browsing this subreddit for a quite while, and however I don't think I'm anti-worker in the fullest meaning of this word, some mind stuff has hit me recently and I decided people here could kindly help me out by giving a piece of advice.

Firstly, I've been brought up with a thing that a man should provide, and never was against hard work alltogether with everything that comes with it, like long time travelling, working over hours w/o additional payment etc (I work in IT + Finance sphere, techincal support of ERP systems if someone cares lol).

My first work was about 2 or 2 and a half hours from home (been working 2014 – 2016), then I changed it in 2017 up to 2018 and then I went almost full remote with intergrating of above said systems.

Afterwards a new job offer raised recently (I've dropped my 3rd work due to business being disbanded due to lack of clients due to some external reasons in my country), and however I like everything about what they offer I understood I just don't want to go into office anymore after almost 4 years of remote. Like… I hate it. Don't want to waste hours travelling anymore, don't want to sit pretending to work if it's none, don't want to talk to other people more than my work requires (and it requires particularry none). Can't stand open space and all this shit. I just want me to be in full comfort while workign hours to said it shortly.

So, asking people around here, is it me being too demanding? Or is it ok to one day throw off what you've been raised with and seek what's best for you, even though it's kinda.. I dunno not that important in the grand scheme? Like many people work in office so why not? But at the moment it's a persistent thought that I just don't want to do it if I don't like it.

Can someone kindly help with it?

Many thanks.

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