
Can a CA nonprofit legally force employees to sign a resignation?

Hello, need some quick advice. I work for a non profit organization in CA. Unfortunately the site I work at has lost funding, and they have given us no choice but to find other employment or transfer to a city 30+ miles away. They said we cannot file for unemployment because if we don’t accept a transfer, that we are willingly quitting. (But I am not willingly quitting) I want to know if I should sign the resignation or not, because if we don’t we won’t get paid on time. Any advice?

Hello, need some quick advice. I work for a non profit organization in CA. Unfortunately the site I work at has lost funding, and they have given us no choice but to find other employment or transfer to a city 30+ miles away.

They said we cannot file for unemployment because if we don’t accept a transfer, that we are willingly quitting. (But I am not willingly quitting)

I want to know if I should sign the resignation or not, because if we don’t we won’t get paid on time.

Any advice?

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