
Can a company do this (USA)

Just accepted a job at a factory. Same one my significant other works for, so I am somewhat familiar with their policies and benefits already. While reading over the official offer letter that details and outlines pay and benefits and so forth, I noticed that some of the policies about benefits and holidays weren't listed on the offer. With that being said my real problem in all of this is one policy that has to do with paid holidays off that are seperate from voluntary PTO (Christmas, labor day, etc…). There policy according to what my SO has told me is, you must work the shift before and shift after to be eligible for a company paid holiday. Seems fishy. Idk. I had planned on using 3 days of voluntary PTO along with the paid leave for Labor Day later this year for a small vacation with my family. Now…

Just accepted a job at a factory. Same one my significant other works for, so I am somewhat familiar with their policies and benefits already.

While reading over the official offer letter that details and outlines pay and benefits and so forth, I noticed that some of the policies about benefits and holidays weren't listed on the offer.

With that being said my real problem in all of this is one policy that has to do with paid holidays off that are seperate from voluntary PTO (Christmas, labor day, etc…). There policy according to what my SO has told me is, you must work the shift before and shift after to be eligible for a company paid holiday. Seems fishy. Idk.

I had planned on using 3 days of voluntary PTO along with the paid leave for Labor Day later this year for a small vacation with my family. Now I am not sure if we are going to be able to financially cover that.

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