
Can a company find out if you were laid off or not?

Someone I know is in a dead end job and is thinking of quitting because they feels it’s gotten to the point that it’s damaging their mental health. We were discussing best way to explain the gap to future potential employers and the easiest way is just to say the position was eliminated vs having to explain the whole situation. Not sure if that’s something the old company might divulge to new company though if a reference check is ever done. (Note: this is the U.S. so things like hipaa rules apply)

Someone I know is in a dead end job and is thinking of quitting because they feels it’s gotten to the point that it’s damaging their mental health. We were discussing best way to explain the gap to future potential employers and the easiest way is just to say the position was eliminated vs having to explain the whole situation. Not sure if that’s something the old company might divulge to new company though if a reference check is ever done. (Note: this is the U.S. so things like hipaa rules apply)

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