
can an employer fire you for not submitting workers comp ?

Got hurt at work last week but I didn't think it was serious so I havnt filled out the paperwork for workers comp. I took off work and have seen 2 doctors . They both tell me I should file a claim but I don't want to be off work for months. It takes 2 weeks before comp even starts and then it's 70% of normal pay . Then I'll be followed and my privacy invaded by comp investigators. I have a doctors note excusing me from work right now but I feel like it's a matter of time before my work fires me for not submitting comp forms. Am I really screwed? I have more doctors appointments next week and I'd like to go back to work after these next appointments. I am not permanently disabled.

Got hurt at work last week but I didn't think it was serious so I havnt filled out the paperwork for workers comp. I took off work and have seen 2 doctors . They both tell me I should file a claim but I don't want to be off work for months. It takes 2 weeks before comp even starts and then it's 70% of normal pay . Then I'll be followed and my privacy invaded by comp investigators. I have a doctors note excusing me from work right now but I feel like it's a matter of time before my work fires me for not submitting comp forms. Am I really screwed? I have more doctors appointments next week and I'd like to go back to work after these next appointments. I am not permanently disabled.

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