
Can anyone tell me if you think this is fair or not?

For some context. I am in insurance. I work in a small office. Just myself (a client service rep) my two coworkers who are sales, and my boss. I am starting to feel taken advantage of. First off, over the holidays we have a total of 6 days between Thanksgiving week and New Year’s week that we alternate days one person works while the rest get off. (Not including the actual holidays themselves which we all get off.) Well, that “alternating” was me working 5 out of 6 of those days. I get that I am client service, and I haven’t been here as long as the other two. But we help each other. My two coworkers also do service. Anyway, I had no problem working more than them. But one of my coworkers didn’t have to work any of them. The other only had to work one. While I…

For some context. I am in insurance. I work in a small office. Just myself (a client service rep) my two coworkers who are sales, and my boss. I am starting to feel taken advantage of. First off, over the holidays we have a total of 6 days between Thanksgiving week and New Year’s week that we alternate days one person works while the rest get off. (Not including the actual holidays themselves which we all get off.) Well, that “alternating” was me working 5 out of 6 of those days. I get that I am client service, and I haven’t been here as long as the other two. But we help each other. My two coworkers also do service. Anyway, I had no problem working more than them. But one of my coworkers didn’t have to work any of them. The other only had to work one. While I took over all but one. My coworker who didn’t have to work any of the days should have at least had to work one. That puts me at 4 and them at one each. Plus, this same coworker leaves 15-30 min early almost every day and 2 hours early every Friday. It wouldn’t’ have killed her to work one of the pre/post holiday days so I could have a couple of them off. She hardly works as it is. But whatever.

As for our boss? She is almost never here. Maybe a couple days a week, and not even full days. Us three keep the place going. Some days we are crazy busy. As in, the phone does NOT stop ringing. On top of that we have clients coming into the office, without appointments, in droves. There are days we can’t even get a break to eat. We can barely take a breath between calls. That being said, our most busy day is Friday. If any day of the week is going to turn out like this, it’s going to be Friday. Especially from about noon until we close at 5pm. It’s sometimes non-stop.

So…my boss made this brilliant (I say that sarcastically) deal with the two sales girl. If they sell so many policies for the next couple months (which they will more than likely hit) they can leave 4 hours early on Fridays. And even get entire Fridays off. Which leaves me here…alone. For the second half, or the entirety, of our busiest day of the week…for the next two months. And, for the record, our boss never works Fridays.

Mind you, while I don’t directly make sales, I do help my sales team get sales. By cross-selling with clients that I help, setting appointments, etc. I actually have to call a list of hundreds of people for the next month, and make appointments, to help my sales team make their sales. It takes the whole team. This doesn’t feel very “it takes the whole team” to me. I am literally cross-selling and calling hundreds of people so they can make sales. Sales that I won’t even get any of the commission on, and now you’re going to add letting them take off on Fridays, our busiest day, while I work alone?

To try to make it “fair” my boss says if they get two Fridays off I can “pick one day” to be off. But it “cannot be a Friday.”

So, let me get this straight. You call can leave me here by myself to man this never ceasing phone by myself on Fridays. But I can’t have a Friday? Why?

How would you all feel about this?

Also, I am not doing this without a fight. Ya’ll want to go home while I stay here? Fine. But I am not answering every single one of these phone calls that come in. I am locking all the office doors and I am only “working” as hard as I feel like. Which means I will probably spend most of that Friday reading or doing whatever it is I enjoy doing…since you all get to…

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