
Can Anyone Tell Me Why This Sub Hates The Police So Much?

It's the one thing that stumps me here. Everything else I get, but how does the police have anything to do with treating workers better? Shouldn't they fall under that category as well, seeing as how there are few other jobs where getting shot at is expected, and they aren't paid as well as they should for having to deal with that? Why is seemingly everyone here so against the police as a whole? Maybe it's different where you live, but the police force here is top-notch. If they weren't, my mom would be dead. I get that there are corrupt cops, but that's not the majority, and it doesn't seem like the hate is directed at corrupt cops, but the idea of the police itself. What's up with that?

It's the one thing that stumps me here. Everything else I get, but how does the police have anything to do with treating workers better? Shouldn't they fall under that category as well, seeing as how there are few other jobs where getting shot at is expected, and they aren't paid as well as they should for having to deal with that? Why is seemingly everyone here so against the police as a whole? Maybe it's different where you live, but the police force here is top-notch. If they weren't, my mom would be dead. I get that there are corrupt cops, but that's not the majority, and it doesn't seem like the hate is directed at corrupt cops, but the idea of the police itself. What's up with that?

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