
Can I be recorded without consent?

I've been at this pop up/start up lab that focuses on Covid-19 testing for about four months now. They do some really shady stuff that's probably illegal, like paying us late constantly, no benefits offered, no handbook/policies, firing 75% of staff overnight with a text, I could go on. Yesterday I arrived at work with a camera pointing directly at my work station that had never been there before. This is in Indiana. Management never made me aware of these cameras or got my consent to be recorded. Can these people record the audio of my conversations?

I've been at this pop up/start up lab that focuses on Covid-19 testing for about four months now. They do some really shady stuff that's probably illegal, like paying us late constantly, no benefits offered, no handbook/policies, firing 75% of staff overnight with a text, I could go on. Yesterday I arrived at work with a camera pointing directly at my work station that had never been there before. This is in Indiana. Management never made me aware of these cameras or got my consent to be recorded. Can these people record the audio of my conversations?

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