
Can I get fired from a union job if managers just don’t like me?

Throw away account. Long story short, I was sent an email by accident that had the main person in charge tell three people in an email chain that she was directly responsible for me not getting a new job and they should thank her for doing so. I applied for a better job with better pay, benefits and more rewarding work in July 2022 and didn't get the role – didn't think much of it but now I know she sabotaged me (admitted to it in the email). I also found out that another manager told another department specifically not to hire me back at the beginning of May 2022. Neither of these people were listed as references for me. I've been at my current job for a little over a year and I've felt like I've had a target on my back for the last few months. I've done…

Throw away account.

Long story short, I was sent an email by accident that had the main person in charge tell three people in an email chain that she was directly responsible for me not getting a new job and they should thank her for doing so. I applied for a better job with better pay, benefits and more rewarding work in July 2022 and didn't get the role – didn't think much of it but now I know she sabotaged me (admitted to it in the email). I also found out that another manager told another department specifically not to hire me back at the beginning of May 2022. Neither of these people were listed as references for me.

I've been at my current job for a little over a year and I've felt like I've had a target on my back for the last few months. I've done nothing wrong and get along very well with colleagues. This woman (not my manager but my manager's manager, who essentially said I was bad at my job) had given me nothing but praise since she started in Feb 2022. But you know that saying…. when people show you their true colours, believe them.

This is a unionised position and I am filing a grievance against the top person in the organisation on Monday. So I'm sure that will go no where, but this is something I will not just let go of. This was cruel. I advised my union rep within 5 kins of receiving the email not meant for my eyes.

I made an error with accounting in spring 2022 I owned up to right away and did everything I could to fix the situation after. I've never been in trouble or have had any concerns about my performance brought to my attention since.

But now I know the managers and head boss don't like me.

So my options are stay at a job I absolutely love and look forward to doing every day and know management hates me, or find a new job and know that I can't use this place as a reference.

To make the situation even more challenging, I found out two days before this happened that I am pregnant. So I need this job for the maternity benefits (and bills, of course). Not to mention, no one would hire me at the rate im making now if I'm only there for 7 months.

Can I get fired for no reason while in a Union position?

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