
Can I reach out to my fellow Aussies here?

I just need to know if there's other people that feel like I do, cause I'm starting to feel like maybe I'm expecting too much, maybe I'm crazy. But this whole system feels like a fucking rip-off, we work, we have kids, we retire and have fun for maybe 20 years (assuming your body isn't fucked from work and you saved hard enough) and then you die, leaving your kids to do exactly the same, but probably worse because more money has funneled it's way to the top. Have you noticed that less and less doctors are bulk-billing now? Have you ever thought it's bonkers that we have to pay out the ass for dentists even though we kinda need our Chompers? Or that “job providers” real jobs is to just throw you into the first shit kicker role they can find to minimise how much money they have to…

I just need to know if there's other people that feel like I do, cause I'm starting to feel like maybe I'm expecting too much, maybe I'm crazy.

But this whole system feels like a fucking rip-off, we work, we have kids, we retire and have fun for maybe 20 years (assuming your body isn't fucked from work and you saved hard enough) and then you die, leaving your kids to do exactly the same, but probably worse because more money has funneled it's way to the top.

Have you noticed that less and less doctors are bulk-billing now? Have you ever thought it's bonkers that we have to pay out the ass for dentists even though we kinda need our Chompers? Or that “job providers” real jobs is to just throw you into the first shit kicker role they can find to minimise how much money they have to spend on you either through providing work gear or just helping you find jobs you actually give a shit about. Or that maybe we should be offering better help to people with mental health issues rather than waiting for them to attempt suicide then really give them the attention they need, I'm borderline ready to off myself on the hopes that I'll get put in a psych ward and actually see a psychologist without it breaking my bank account.

My question is, are you fucking mad? Are you angry about this? Why aren't we fucking marching on parliament, demanding change? It feels like we are the frogs in the water, wondering and complaining that it's getting hotter but never jumping out. I'm fucking done expecting the government to actually make meaningful change on my behalf because by the time they actually do it, I'm gonna be fucking dead. They move so slowly if they move at all, I'm just fucking sick of it. There has to be more people than just me who feel like this whole system just isn't working, like not enough is being done, no radical changes being made. I want a better world not just for me but for my kids, friends and family as well and I'm fucking tired of waiting, is there more of us out there? More frogs in the water??

PS. Mind any misspelling or typos, I'm typing this with cut snake energy right now.

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