
Can I sue for being threatened on a zoom call?

So, I work at a startup. We are small, and struggling. I am sitting on a million dollar idea that my boss wants to patent. I signed an nda when i got hired but, good luck enforcing it if i leave and seek to raise my own capital because I essentially brought this idea with me and you can't enforce an nda on machine learning and risk modelling. But I don't feel like doing that and honestly I just want to retire and fuck about in Europe and get some coochie coochie while I can still rise to the occasion. Here's whats happenging; they brought in a new guy to clean up. He's in his 30s. I'm 55. He's an idiot. He knows nothing about programming, agile, modeling and how to manage. We've butted heads on several occasions to put it mildly. He finally blew his top on a zoom…

So, I work at a startup. We are small, and struggling. I am sitting on a million dollar idea that my boss wants to patent. I signed an nda when i got hired but, good luck enforcing it if i leave and seek to raise my own capital because I essentially brought this idea with me and you can't enforce an nda on machine learning and risk modelling. But I don't feel like doing that and honestly I just want to retire and fuck about in Europe and get some coochie coochie while I can still rise to the occasion.
Here's whats happenging; they brought in a new guy to clean up. He's in his 30s. I'm 55. He's an idiot. He knows nothing about programming, agile, modeling and how to manage.
We've butted heads on several occasions to put it mildly. He finally blew his top on a zoom call and threatened me with physical violence. Then I got him to admit he did to the ceo, and confirm it in an email! Nothing was done of course. I was told I have to get along with him. He's my new boss.
It's a toxic work place. I'm tired. I've been working since I was 12 years old.
Is this my ticket out?

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