
Can I use sick days even when I’m not sick?

At my company we accrue PTO and sick days. We also have a few days to use for floating holidays (birthdays, etc.). We get paid bi monthly and each paycheck accrues 3.36 hours or something like that. So at the end of the month we accrue 6/7ish hours, not even 8 hours which is a full day! I rarely use sick days except in the winter when I actually get a cold or something and I mostly use them for mental health days. I’ve now accrued 114 hours of sick days and only have like 38 hours of PTO, which I’m not even sure how it’s that low as I can’t remember the last time o actually took a vacation. Anyway, do you use sick days even when you’re not sick? I feel like it’s such a waste to accrue all these hours and not really able to take them…

At my company we accrue PTO and sick days. We also have a few days to use for floating holidays (birthdays, etc.). We get paid bi monthly and each paycheck accrues 3.36 hours or something like that. So at the end of the month we accrue 6/7ish hours, not even 8 hours which is a full day! I rarely use sick days except in the winter when I actually get a cold or something and I mostly use them for mental health days. I’ve now accrued 114 hours of sick days and only have like 38 hours of PTO, which I’m not even sure how it’s that low as I can’t remember the last time o actually took a vacation. Anyway, do you use sick days even when you’re not sick? I feel like it’s such a waste to accrue all these hours and not really able to take them if I’m not truly ill. My manager has so many days to use because they’ve been at the company for more than 10 years but I’m honestly feeling burnt out (also I want to leave but that’s a whole other story lol).

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