
Can I work a little anticonsumption into my antiwork “I hate my job” rant?

First things first, I’m leaving this job this month as long as I find a new one. I work at a mom n’ pop shop for weed paraphernalia, and it’s as dead-end as dead-end gets. I’ve been here 3.5 years and someone who started after me (with less work experience and genuinely bad customer service/people skills) got promoted to manager over me. The job was fine before she started and then got promoted, and it’s only gotten shittier since. You’d think a leftist, alternative, gen Z person would be into pro-worker shit, but she isn’t. So we did inventory for the both of the two stores recently, and only my boss and manager were counting stuff while I helped customers and cleaned up their messes. During this time they set aside items that they thought needed new price tags, and that’s what pissed me off. Over half of the items…

First things first, I’m leaving this job this month as long as I find a new one.

I work at a mom n’ pop shop for weed paraphernalia, and it’s as dead-end as dead-end gets. I’ve been here 3.5 years and someone who started after me (with less work experience and genuinely bad customer service/people skills) got promoted to manager over me. The job was fine before she started and then got promoted, and it’s only gotten shittier since. You’d think a leftist, alternative, gen Z person would be into pro-worker shit, but she isn’t.

So we did inventory for the both of the two stores recently, and only my boss and manager were counting stuff while I helped customers and cleaned up their messes. During this time they set aside items that they thought needed new price tags, and that’s what pissed me off.

Over half of the items had perfectly functional tags that wouldn’t fall off, and I know this because I wrestled those tags off myself. They had me do hours of busy work, searching up item numbers and retagging things that don’t need it. The amount of waste this smalle business produces is INSANE. constantly retagging things, making new laminated signs every time a price changes, laminating shit to begin with; it’s so fucking wasteful. There’s no reason to put every small item in an individual plastic bag. What the fuck.

I work the most hours in this store (and I’ve been with the company the longest in general), which means I functionally keep it open for them. They don’t have the staff to keep it open if I leave on short notice. The hill they want to die on is their wasteful plastic usage, and im gonna let them. I can’t wait to see this awful business close when I leave.

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