
Can I work half the workday for half the salary?

Let me explain. About a week ago I got my first ever job. It's a retail job in a medium-sized electrical equipment store. It's not a particularly difficult job and I'm decent at it (so far). It's not that I'm lazy and I don't want to work, I help out around the house all the time, I'm always busy at home, but at least I am at home. The sheer fact that I have a job that I have to go to on a daily basis is soul crushing. Never in my 20 years of life have I been depressed or felt this miserable. Just yesterday, while stocking some shelves I thought to myself “this is my life now, this is what I do now”, and it gave me genuine existential crisis. I come home too tired to be able to enjoy anything anymore, and the though of having to…

Let me explain. About a week ago I got my first ever job. It's a retail job in a medium-sized electrical equipment store. It's not a particularly difficult job and I'm decent at it (so far). It's not that I'm lazy and I don't want to work, I help out around the house all the time, I'm always busy at home, but at least I am at home. The sheer fact that I have a job that I have to go to on a daily basis is soul crushing. Never in my 20 years of life have I been depressed or felt this miserable. Just yesterday, while stocking some shelves I thought to myself “this is my life now, this is what I do now”, and it gave me genuine existential crisis. I come home too tired to be able to enjoy anything anymore, and the though of having to do it all again tomorrow is unbearable. I'm really sorry if it sounds like I'm just bitching for no reason, and I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. There are just so many things I love doing and that I'd rather do than be in that damn store all day. So to get to the point, can I negotiate that I work only half of the workday? I genuinely wouldn't mind my salary getting cut in half, or even more. I can get by.

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