
Can my boss cancel my Thanksgiving shift with only 2 days notice?

I have been scheduled to work on Wednesday night with some spillover onto Thanksgiving for two weeks now. This would mean I would be getting some holiday pay for the hours worked after midnight. Just yesterday, my boss contacted me about a shift change; the same number of hours, but earlier in the day so that there would be no spillover onto Thanksgiving. This is entirely due to the fact that they were too incompetent to notice the holiday pay when they originally made the schedule, and they are now trying to cover their own ass, at my expense. Do I have any recourse? Can I refuse the new shift and demand that they honor the hours and schedule that they originally promised me? This is occurring in Illinois.

I have been scheduled to work on Wednesday night with some spillover onto Thanksgiving for two weeks now. This would mean I would be getting some holiday pay for the hours worked after midnight. Just yesterday, my boss contacted me about a shift change; the same number of hours, but earlier in the day so that there would be no spillover onto Thanksgiving.

This is entirely due to the fact that they were too incompetent to notice the holiday pay when they originally made the schedule, and they are now trying to cover their own ass, at my expense.

Do I have any recourse? Can I refuse the new shift and demand that they honor the hours and schedule that they originally promised me?

This is occurring in Illinois.

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