
Can my boss force me to tattle?

Context: every other Monday is super busy for me because of payroll and has a lot of paperwork attached. This last Monday was payroll Monday, and I had a ton of paperwork and on top of other stuff like onboarding some new employees. I woke up sick, but came in anyway because payroll is reliant on me to do. I finished my day and just put all my unfinished work in my drawer and went tf home. I was sick enough I went to urgent care and got a 4x day sick note. When I came back, a coworker told me that my boss needed a piece of paperwork and was rummaging through my desk and got super upset that it was unorganized (she knows I have busy mondays & knows I went home sick asf, literally sneezing blood from a sinus infection) and was complaining in front of everyone…

Context: every other Monday is super busy for me because of payroll and has a lot of paperwork attached. This last Monday was payroll Monday, and I had a ton of paperwork and on top of other stuff like onboarding some new employees. I woke up sick, but came in anyway because payroll is reliant on me to do. I finished my day and just put all my unfinished work in my drawer and went tf home. I was sick enough I went to urgent care and got a 4x day sick note. When I came back, a coworker told me that my boss needed a piece of paperwork and was rummaging through my desk and got super upset that it was unorganized (she knows I have busy mondays & knows I went home sick asf, literally sneezing blood from a sinus infection) and was complaining in front of everyone that I was disorganized. When I heard this, I sent an email apologizing that my desk was cluttered, but I was clearly very sick and was upset to hear that she was publicly judging my organization based on one day I was struggling. She’s now saying she wasn’t upset, she was just going to talk about my “organization”, but now wants to know who told me that she was upset. I don’t want to throw my coworker under the bus because they were just looking out for me. And it wasn’t just that one coworker, I verified the story with another. Do I have to tell her who told me? Or what should I say?

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