
Can my employee force me to take an online course that they know I’d have to complete on my own time w/o pay?

Background Info: My workplace (a school) wants all employees to complete a 40-hour online course within the span of 8 weeks. We have a typical 40 hour week, but an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon is reserved everyday for staff to do paperwork, prep, and plan. Since we're not allowed to access the course while kids are in the building, we're asked to do the trainings during said planning blocks. We start off with 10 hours to plan per week, but that's limited to 8 due to mandatory meetings. On top of that, we consistently lose another hour or 2 a week when kids are picked up late. We're left with anywhere between 5-7 hours a week to do our actual planning plus take this course. To get 40 hours of training done in 8 weeks, that's 5 hours a week. So if I were…

Background Info: My workplace (a school) wants all employees to complete a 40-hour online course within the span of 8 weeks. We have a typical 40 hour week, but an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon is reserved everyday for staff to do paperwork, prep, and plan. Since we're not allowed to access the course while kids are in the building, we're asked to do the trainings during said planning blocks. We start off with 10 hours to plan per week, but that's limited to 8 due to mandatory meetings. On top of that, we consistently lose another hour or 2 a week when kids are picked up late. We're left with anywhere between 5-7 hours a week to do our actual planning plus take this course. To get 40 hours of training done in 8 weeks, that's 5 hours a week. So if I were to stick to that routine, I'd be left with 0-2 hours a week to do my actually job, which involves a lot of planning, prep, and check-ins with other staff. It's not practical and would negatively impact everyone I work with if i really did only give a 1-2 hours a week to prep.

All staff members feel really pressured by this, and most people are taking their coursework home with them and doing it in the evenings. However, before these trainings even started, I've had a lot going on in my personal life. I take care of my family, I'm in grad school, I have a large community project going on, and I'm trying to take better care of my health by participating in a sport. It's already a lot but it's the stuff I willingly signed up for. Unlike this course.

Long story short, doing this training at work is impractical, and doing it at home is impossible. I can't and shouldn't have to give up anything going on in my personal life in order to make room for this online course. But the deadline is coming up and I'm incredibly behind on everything (less than 10 hours completed). I've communicated this to my supervisors, but was told that I was 'lucky' because other schools were only giving their people a month to do it all. What can my company do to me if I just can't get this done in time? They keep mentioning that it cost them $200 per person, but honestly, I'd gladly let them take that out of my paycheck if it meant they would leave me alone.

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