
Can my employer establish a pattern of “chronic/habitual” lateness? Do I have a disability claim? Or just better luck next time

I was fired today for a company that I worked for 8 weeks. I was late a total of 4 times and worked 5 days a week as a part time employee in the US. First day – January 9th, 4 minutes late, was getting food. Second time – January 12th, 35 minutes late, had traveled an hour and a half for therapy with a family member, called ahead to let them know I would be late Third time – February 27th, 3 minutes late, don’t recall reason. Fourth time – March 2nd, 2 minutes late, missed exit on highway I was on time or early for every shift between January 13th and February 27th. I have a documented history of ADHD, Depression and social anxiety that sometimes affects my ability to get to work on time, and could easily provide if needed Potentially related, My manager also was unprofessional,…

I was fired today for a company that I worked for 8 weeks. I was late a total of 4 times and worked 5 days a week as a part time employee in the US.

First day – January 9th, 4 minutes late, was getting food.

Second time – January 12th, 35 minutes late, had traveled an hour and a half for therapy with a family member, called ahead to let them know I would be late

Third time – February 27th, 3 minutes late, don’t recall reason.

Fourth time – March 2nd, 2 minutes late, missed exit on highway

I was on time or early for every shift between January 13th and February 27th.

I have a documented history of ADHD, Depression and social anxiety that sometimes affects my ability to get to work on time, and could easily provide if needed

Potentially related, My manager also was unprofessional, keeps a Wine bottle in his office, curses not at but around his coworkers, regularly takes 1hr 30min+ lunches while his techs take 1hour lunches, receptionist is his wife (probably nothing wrong with this but workplace relationships are generally not a good idea)

The manager was also HR, did payroll, hiring, etc. but I did not entail to him that I have a history of mental illness that may need accomodation (he is not a very empathetic person)

I don’t really know the rules around this or if I should just keep my head down and look for another job. Any help/thoughts are appreciated in advance

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