
Can my resignation letter be one sentence?

I’m resigning soon from a job that has been nothing but hell for the past six months to return to my previous position. The manager at the job I’m leaving has every single woman in the department terrified of him. He humiliates people and calls names. I am not leaving on good terms as I assume he’s going to want to know why I’m leaving and I don’t feel like lying frankly. I don’t plan on dropping a bomb and going off but just simply stating “the way you treat people makes me uncomfortable here.” My resignation letter gets submitted to the company HR so they can process my transfer back to my old department. Would it look bad to them if my entire letter read “Dear x, please consider this letter my notice of resignation, effective Feb x, 2023.” I truly do not have more than that to say…

I’m resigning soon from a job that has been nothing but hell for the past six months to return to my previous position. The manager at the job I’m leaving has every single woman in the department terrified of him. He humiliates people and calls names. I am not leaving on good terms as I assume he’s going to want to know why I’m leaving and I don’t feel like lying frankly. I don’t plan on dropping a bomb and going off but just simply stating “the way you treat people makes me uncomfortable here.”

My resignation letter gets submitted to the company HR so they can process my transfer back to my old department. Would it look bad to them if my entire letter read “Dear x, please consider this letter my notice of resignation, effective Feb x, 2023.” I truly do not have more than that to say but if I need to spruce it up what else could I add?

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