
Can someone please explain to me what I did wrong in this situation?

Hi, good folks of antiwork. I am having a bit of a dilemma here that I am having trouble figuring out. I will do gigs sporadically for a company called “wegolook”. “Wegolook” is a company similar to Uber in the sense that they pay you a small sum of money for going out to take photos for real estate properties and commercial properties and car accidents. I normally try not to go and do gigs for “wegolook” because it seems like I do, there is a problem. Like one of the last times that I did a gig for this company, I was 2 seconds from potentially getting arrested. I showed up at the location that I was told to be at on the wegolook app and showed the people proof that I was supposed to be there and they damn near called the cops cause nobody from wegolook called…

Hi, good folks of antiwork.

I am having a bit of a dilemma here that I am having trouble figuring out.

I will do gigs sporadically for a company called “wegolook”.

“Wegolook” is a company similar to Uber in the sense that they pay you a small sum of money for going out to take photos for real estate properties and commercial properties and car accidents.

I normally try not to go and do gigs for “wegolook” because it seems like I do, there is a problem.

Like one of the last times that I did a gig for this company, I was 2 seconds from potentially getting arrested.

I showed up at the location that I was told to be at on the wegolook app and showed the people proof that I was supposed to be there and they damn near called the cops cause nobody from wegolook called them beforehand and told them I was coming.

That's the kind of problems that I have with wegolook. Plus the pay is complete garbage and most of the time they want to pay you somewhere between $12 to $16 in total to do a gig in a place like upper Michigan and you are all the way down in Detroit.

I have told myself multiple times that I would never work with wegolook again after the arrest debacle but I stupidly went against the grain yesterday…..mainly cause I am flat broke and I really need money right now.

I accepted a gig where I was supposed to take photos of a damaged car at a body shop that is like 10 minutes from me and it was supposed to be for an insurance claim and wegolook was supposed to pay me $19 for doing it.

I called the body shop to let them know what was going on and to ask permission to do the vehicle inspection and to make sure that things were on the level.

It takes me 2 tries to get the body shop on the phone because apparently the place opens at 9am but they like to start answering phones around 11:30am, not sure what that is about.

Anyway, the body shop said that things were cool and I could come by and I could do the vehicle inspection.

I go to the body shop and I start to take the required photos and right before I am done, I hear the owner of the body shop literally say “she does not know anything about cars. What is she doing?”.

Oh and then his daughter literally starts asking me all these questions about who I was and if I was from Triple AAA…and I told her when I first got to the shop that I was doing a job on behalf of wegolook.

I got super scared after that because I felt like these people thought that I was some nut that appeared off the street and just was taking pictures of a car just to be doing it.

I spent the last $2 that I had in my pocket to get over there on the bus and complete that gig, so I definitely wasn't going to waste that money to do something crazy.

I literally rushed to finish that gig and get the hell off of that property because I was not about to potentially get arrested for $19.

I don't know if I am going to get paid from that gig and I don't care.

I actually uninstalled the wegolook app because yesterday scared the hell out of me.

My main qualm with wegolook is that they don't inform the property owners of when people are going to come to their businesses and take photos and then I have to do it and the property owners look at me like I lost my mind.

My heart is saddened over what happened yesterday because even a gig pays really terribly, I try to put 100 percent into it and I had to rush that one.

I have been a freelance photographer on and off for 10 years and when the person hires me to do a job has contact with the client and I show up to do the gig, things go amazing.

Yesterday was a fucking disaster.

Can someone please explain to me what did I do wrong yesterday? Oh and someone can recommend a gig economy job that pays well, cause I suddenly need a new one?

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