
Can we stop stopping at half-measures?

I see it often. Some talk about the strikes. Some talk about the taxation. Some talk about the political parties. I get it, these are important tools of anti-capitalist movement. But the questions is: Do you really think the capitalist class, the owners, multibillionaires are going to just let go of their positions which let them make billions of dollars every year from yours, mine and everybody else's labour? Say you strike and get better conditions. For how long? You had better conditions in the past – now you don't. Why? Because we let the 1% control the economy and all the benefits the working class achieve, are going to be eventually canceled. You say maybe we tax them. And? What stops them from ignoring it just like they have always been ignoring and evading taxes? Even if they did start paying taxes? So? Slowly they will regain this enormous…

I see it often. Some talk about the strikes. Some talk about the taxation. Some talk about the political parties. I get it, these are important tools of anti-capitalist movement.

But the questions is:

Do you really think the capitalist class, the owners, multibillionaires are going to just let go of their positions which let them make billions of dollars every year from yours, mine and everybody else's labour?

Say you strike and get better conditions.
For how long? You had better conditions in the past – now you don't. Why? Because we let the 1% control the economy and all the benefits the working class achieve, are going to be eventually canceled.

You say maybe we tax them. And? What stops them from ignoring it just like they have always been ignoring and evading taxes? Even if they did start paying taxes? So? Slowly they will regain this enormous wealth and start acting like feudal kinds again – it will just take longer to repeat itself.

Some of you say “can't we just make it a welfare state like Swedens do?”

Let me quote one of the Swedes.

Sweden is not the Social Democratic paradise you might think. We have more billionaires per capita than America while “gig economy” flourishes. There are for profit schools funded by tax money which pay out billions (from tax money) to the owners. Workers' wages increase slower than inflation. House prices are being raised much faster than wages. There are ghettos growing in our cities with emerging parallel societies. Our postal service has been made a corporation and is being ran into the ground. Our hospitals are being sabotaged by the right wing politicians in charge of them. This is a paradise only for the upper middle class and richer and is getting steadily worse for everyone else.

The point is, they don't care. If you ask them nicely, they won't give a shit. If you protest, they will laugh in your eyes and make pictures of you while you scream in anger
With taxes, welfare benefits and alike – you can only slow their accumulation of weath, their accumulation of capital. Once they regain their enormous wealth, and they always do, as history of social-democracy and labour movement showed us – they will get back to their most predatory tactics of exploitation, of neo-imperialism, of subjecting 3rd world populations to modern slavery.

You need to get rid of them as a class. Make them work just like we do. Take their entire fucking wealth from them and make them work at McDonalds for a minimum wage to the end of their days. You need to do this or else you will die slave just like the slave which you have been born as. Otherwise they will still exploit you and the whole masses of the whole world. Your goal as a generation is to fight them. Go crazy, go apeshit. So fucking what if you end up in jail. If you are a working class person or just poor, you were born in jailĀ¹. You have entire world to win. Nothing to loose but your chains. Soon the whole planet will go nuts because of the capitalism induced climate change. Either you violently take over the economy and take matters into your own hands, or you will fry and burn alive. What else is there to do? So stop it with peaceful reforms talk, stop it. Agitate for a full blown VIOLENT class-war. There's no other way.

To the mods if they wail because of calls for violence. That's not violence. That's self-defense, a fight for your own survival as a species.

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