
Can yall believe this

Alright. I work resturant industry at a moderately busy lunch rush resturant. Theres only 3 of us total. One is on vacation so its only two of us this week. They refuse to hire anyone due to “monetary issues” aka paying more people. (Lets add the fact the owner blows money left and right). So theyd rather us be understaffed and struggle than hire someone. Ive been sick for a month plus and havent been able to get better because we have no one to cover shifts and I have definitely missed but you know how buisnesses are about calling out. My sickness directly deals with my severe acute asthma. So basically I have been going to work on low oxygen. Well. My manager was informed of this. The owner decided to take a huge 2000 dollar order. And not tell us. Until today. With only two of us. So…

Alright. I work resturant industry at a moderately busy lunch rush resturant. Theres only 3 of us total. One is on vacation so its only two of us this week. They refuse to hire anyone due to “monetary issues” aka paying more people. (Lets add the fact the owner blows money left and right). So theyd rather us be understaffed and struggle than hire someone. Ive been sick for a month plus and havent been able to get better because we have no one to cover shifts and I have definitely missed but you know how buisnesses are about calling out. My sickness directly deals with my severe acute asthma. So basically I have been going to work on low oxygen. Well. My manager was informed of this. The owner decided to take a huge 2000 dollar order. And not tell us. Until today. With only two of us. So my coworker aka one of the three aka but shes also my manager so technically only 2 employees that arent managers , was in the back half the day while I served and rang up the customers which are two seperate jobs where I work. Comes closing time. My manager looks at me and says shes still working on the order and i have to close up front by myself and clean the lobby. Which are both seperate job meant for seperate people. She knows im struggling with my asthma at this moment. And im like I NEED help. I cant do this on my own. She shrugs her shoulders. Im left to do everything on my own while struggling to breathe after I had definitely overused my inhaler all day. (P.s. Not to mention the owner got in her face today(the manager). And yelled in her face like an abusive parent.) (Definitely would have made most walk out) Anyways the work culture capitalism has created is making me scared and guilty to quit. 🙂 how was y'alls work day? P.s.s I make minimum wage AFTER I was given a raise (aka I was not making minimum wage prior)

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