
Can you guys help me help my friend? I think her the company she works for is doing something that they cannot do.

She lives in the Midwest and works for a company where she works 100% remote online. At the end of last week she started to get really sick (vomiting, fever, cough, congestion, extreme fatigue, rash). She was too sick to be able to work, but she knew she needed a note so she went to urgent care and her PCP. She tested positive for flu. Both doctors wrote notes excusing her from work for this reason. She messaged her manager explaining the situation, said she she had doctors notes, asked what to do. Her manager said she had no more PTO to use for sick days this year and that she needed to reach out to HR. She reached out to HR who told her that her only option was to apply for short term disability and to take a short (a week) leave of absence. All this just to…

She lives in the Midwest and works for a company where she works 100% remote online. At the end of last week she started to get really sick (vomiting, fever, cough, congestion, extreme fatigue, rash). She was too sick to be able to work, but she knew she needed a note so she went to urgent care and her PCP. She tested positive for flu. Both doctors wrote notes excusing her from work for this reason.

She messaged her manager explaining the situation, said she she had doctors notes, asked what to do. Her manager said she had no more PTO to use for sick days this year and that she needed to reach out to HR. She reached out to HR who told her that her only option was to apply for short term disability and to take a short (a week) leave of absence. All this just to get a few sick days . So she applied for this and the HR manager said while she awaits approval she could take 5 days off to overcome the flu.

She called and told me all this and I thought it was insane. She said she applied for the leave of absence and short term disability like they told her to , and it was denied because having the flu isn’t as disability. Which makes sense… and my friend has no other disabilities whatsoever. And so she was wondering what to do in the meantime while HR reviews her claim again…

I was like, WHAT ???

This cannot be legal, right? They can’t refuse her sick days because 2 doctors even said she should not work for a week. I’m so confused why the company is going to these lengths rather than just to give her 4 – 5days off…

She is worried about losing her job. What can I do to help her? I feel like the company is not allowed to deny sick days to someone with a doctors note that says they cannot work. I also feel like they cannot tell her to apply for short term disability in order to get sick days. I don’t know how to help her though.
What can I tell her to do?

Edit for clarifying: she is allotted 7 sick days per year. She had already used all of them prior to this. So PTO or not, they aren’t allowing her to take a sick day without applying for short term disability

Thanks for your help!

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