
Can your employer sue you for pretending to work from home? (Texas)

Hey y’all, I work from home and do billing for a sketchy Fortune 500 company. I’m talking charging multiple tests for the same pt, taking credit card info w/o their knowledge & then charging hundreds of dollars, sending patients to collections with no notices over the smallest bills ruining peoples credits and livelihoods for like $10… anyway you get the gist. Not too fond of them so I started pretending to be working. But I think they’re catching on. So, Can my employee go after me for charging 40 hrs every week but only doing close to 10-15hrs of actual work?

Hey y’all, I work from home and do billing for a sketchy Fortune 500 company. I’m talking charging multiple tests for the same pt, taking credit card info w/o their knowledge & then charging hundreds of dollars, sending patients to collections with no notices over the smallest bills ruining peoples credits and livelihoods for like $10… anyway you get the gist.

Not too fond of them so I started pretending to be working. But I think they’re catching on. So, Can my employee go after me for charging 40 hrs every week but only doing close to 10-15hrs of actual work?

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