
Can’t stay at a job

As the title says, I (29F) can’t stay at a job for very long. I used to at least be able to last a couple years, but as time passes it’s gotten worse. I just started my current job at the beginning of this month and I’m already burnt out, to where it feels physically impossible to wake up and go. Last year, I quit my job of a 1.5 years with nothing lined up. I drained my 401k and lived off that for a few months so I could try to decide what I want to do with my life. But that dwindled quickly, as I’m also a single parent. I’m very worried about how I can continue to provide any type of stability for my child but I also now at this point barely even trust myself to start another job because I feel I’ll end up doing…

As the title says, I (29F) can’t stay at a job for very long. I used to at least be able to last a couple years, but as time passes it’s gotten worse. I just started my current job at the beginning of this month and I’m already burnt out, to where it feels physically impossible to wake up and go. Last year, I quit my job of a 1.5 years with nothing lined up. I drained my 401k and lived off that for a few months so I could try to decide what I want to do with my life. But that dwindled quickly, as I’m also a single parent. I’m very worried about how I can continue to provide any type of stability for my child but I also now at this point barely even trust myself to start another job because I feel I’ll end up doing the same thing. I know I need to work but I feel like something is just fundamentally wrong. I understand things easily and often get complimented about how great I am to work with, so it’s not like I’m not good at the jobs or am incompetent in some way. I just get burnt out so quickly. Idk what to do. Is there some kind of disability pay I can get or something? Is there anyone else like this? What can I do?

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