
I’m leaving this sub for mental health reasons

I have learned so much from this sub, however it now all I see is reminders of this cruel capitalist world we live in and it has made me feel extremely miserable. It was still very informative nonetheless. Bye everyone


you lazy bastards

get a fucking job


Antiwork Philosophy


Same post from two users in this subreddit – wtf is this


Best excuses for calling out

I’m not able to sleep and I know I’ll be unsafe to work tomorrow. That’s good enough for me but I’d like to hear your go-to excuses for when the truth won’t go ever well.


Lmao Typical range here folks


What do you guys think of automation.

With so much emphasis on poor working condition, and employees not being taken care of by rice corporations, what do you think about agressive automation. Most of the grueling works like warehouse workers, delivery service, resturant servers etc can be automated with current level of technology. All the corporations has to do is a cost/benifit analysis with raising costs of keeping an employee, it's much better to have robotic once. The major risks will be adapting the business operations around automation. Specially all services based industries specially have to pivot because current models are based on human service providers.


If you want advice, we need a location.

The laws and regulations are vastly different from country to country, region to region, state to state. If you don't say where you're located, most of us will assume America and give you bad info if that's not right.


I’m trying to change things from the inside

I can only affect my small world that I can reach out and touch. I've thought about all the different ways to change the direction we're going and I only came up with this. I think we're not seeing that we can take capitalism for our generation and pass on better values to younger generations. I'm a millennial and after reading my final article on how yet another politician wants to fix the debt by taking from my SS and generations after me I'm done with the older people stealing from us then turning around to bite the hand that feeds them. It always comes out of us. Their mistakes are our burdens. I don't think we need to do business with the older generations anymore. We're now the core earners in this country so I said to myself, “let's start a business to remove the older generation from my…


Mom Diagnosed With Cancer. Work: “We still want you to work 47 hours”

I feel like this should be illegal, but man, like. I can't find anything that suggests it is. Mom was diagnosed with cancer recently, it's not great but it's not like, super life-threatening. We almost kind of wish it was. (We don't, by the way. She got lucky.) She has doctor's appointments, she has scans she has to do when time opens for her to be able to do them on short notice. The type of cancer she has is 'aggressive' so the docs are doing everything they can as quickly as possible. Her work originally told her she could take a leave of absence. But because the treatment plan is suggesting it'd take like 18 months to complete, they suddenly were like “Whoa we can only support a leave of absence for 6 months”. Then they told her that she could work 20 hours a week and kinda take…