
I’m trying to change things from the inside

I can only affect my small world that I can reach out and touch. I've thought about all the different ways to change the direction we're going and I only came up with this. I think we're not seeing that we can take capitalism for our generation and pass on better values to younger generations. I'm a millennial and after reading my final article on how yet another politician wants to fix the debt by taking from my SS and generations after me I'm done with the older people stealing from us then turning around to bite the hand that feeds them. It always comes out of us. Their mistakes are our burdens. I don't think we need to do business with the older generations anymore. We're now the core earners in this country so I said to myself, “let's start a business to remove the older generation from my…

I can only affect my small world that I can reach out and touch. I've thought about all the different ways to change the direction we're going and I only came up with this.

I think we're not seeing that we can take capitalism for our generation and pass on better values to younger generations. I'm a millennial and after reading my final article on how yet another politician wants to fix the debt by taking from my SS and generations after me I'm done with the older people stealing from us then turning around to bite the hand that feeds them.

It always comes out of us. Their mistakes are our burdens. I don't think we need to do business with the older generations anymore. We're now the core earners in this country so I said to myself, “let's start a business to remove the older generation from my industry.” I'll compete with businesses run by older people who don't do as good a job as me, market to my generation because that's who I know, that's who is making paychecks, and I'm certain we're all sick of the older people fucking us over with terrible work and ethics. I simply do better and my customers wish I wasn't connected with the upper level. I'm thinking about the future and providing the best service so I see that I can win this fight.

It's something we all need to think about. I hate supporting most of the businesses I deal with because I don't know who I'm giving my money to. Mostly those who take from their employees and never give back. I want to shut all that out. My money goes to good people only.

I know it might seem so oversimplified, but I swear if a few milllenials made their own toothpaste and sold the same size container as Colgate for $2 I'd buy that toothpaste without a doubt. 100%. Not fucking Pronamel premium product bullshit that costs $6.50 or Colgate that's made in another country. The crazy shit is it costs nothing to make toothpaste and its beyond simple to make, but no one does it except these huge companies who I have no idea even are. A mass of faceless investors who have way too much imo.

I want to support the next generation and we all know what each other want in terms of products and how they're made and marketed. We can take over and make the money inside our generation. Then the people who kept everything for themselves will be shut out.

Please start your own restaurants. Stop waiting tables and take a risk. You know the business better than your horrible owners and managers. If you have the tools, get your HVAC company going. Anything.

It's amazing how much my generation knows and how much we do on the job yet we have no ownership or power. I'm doing my part to change things for all of us. If it works, I hire more people and they get paid very very well. I don't need all the money for myself.

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