Category: Antiwork
Pretty much just what the title says. I earn about 14k per year and would need to be earning 57.5k just to cover the costs of term time childcare. How in the hell am I supposed to make it work without devoting my entire existence to work and never seeing my family? I'm having very mixed feelings about the whole career vs kids thing. On the one hand, I don't want to work my life away. On the other, I want some financial independence. On the other other hand, I find it difficult to deal with the feelings of failure over not being some kind of #girlboss superwoman. I feel like the decision is already made for me on financial grounds, but even if I did have the power to make a choice, any choice would be wrong. Just don't know how the hell these things are supposed to work…
Labor Department Win
I know this isn’t totally anti-work, but it’s definitely mostly anti-work and completely anti-boss. So about six months ago I started a new job after a brief hiatus. I’m a server so I rely heavily on tips. The new job I started had a tip pool (which I’m usually very against). The kicker was that the owner and the manager were also in the tip pool. I brought it up a few times about how it was unethical and actually illegal, but I was brushed off. One day I worked super duper hard and walked away with a very unfair cut of the tips. The next day I came in with a seething letter calling out the boss and quit. On my way home I called the state labor department to file a claim. After a few updates, I hadn’t heard from them since probably December. I figured it was…
1.) “Sure, I can do that.” 2.) “Unfortunately I am unavailable.” Anything else is an invitation to get into an argument. Anything that you receive in response to Answer #2 should be left on read. There you go, there's your answer to 3/4 of the “screenshots of a conversation with my manager” posts on this sub. You're welcome.
Before I am attacked I get there is sometimes a reason for this, but damn near most of the time it is for pot on a job where it doesn't matter. These tests either need to be made so expensive that they can't be administered casually like is happening now, or there needs to be worker protections enshrined in law.
Amazon Breaking More Laws
Tl;Dr. Amazon Warehouse in Colorado Springs is using an illegal phone jammer in their warehouse/recruiting site. I was getting desperate for a job so I bit the bullet & applied to Amazon, go in to do the precise screening & drug test & they tell me I missed a document online that I need to do real quick. I go to pull it up from my email & there is no signal at all (grayed out with the small x over the icon for signal bars) & she informs me we need to connect our phones to the wifi to check email so I say something along the lines “im not giving you access to my device, why isn't my phone working? Is there some kind of signal jammer?” The lady handling my stuff says it's just the way the facility is built” but is cut off from one of…