
CEO announces we are ending work from home on the day of the office Christmas party

Started this job about 2 years ago and about a year ago we moved to 3 days in office. It was relaxed though and no one really cared if you came in or not as long as you did your work. Fast forward to yesterday and we get an email at the end of the day about how we are going back into the office full time. Just an all time asshole move because our office Christmas party was that night. What’s even better is our company recently got bought so the new owner got on stage and gave a speech and then talked about how we’re going back full time because he wants people who love this company and you can’t love this company “on your computer in your boxer shorts”. I can’t wait to put my two weeks in.

Started this job about 2 years ago and about a year ago we moved to 3 days in office. It was relaxed though and no one really cared if you came in or not as long as you did your work. Fast forward to yesterday and we get an email at the end of the day about how we are going back into the office full time. Just an all time asshole move because our office Christmas party was that night. What’s even better is our company recently got bought so the new owner got on stage and gave a speech and then talked about how we’re going back full time because he wants people who love this company and you can’t love this company “on your computer in your boxer shorts”. I can’t wait to put my two weeks in.

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