
C’est la vie

I graduated college when I was 26. Got married and was promoted to a career position at work that same year. We had our daughter the summer of the following year. After her birth, my ex, and I couldn’t fathom her going back to work so she became a full-time mother. I can’t tell you how happy I was. All my hard work paid off. I had a job that I could support an entire family on. Bought a home the year my daughter was born and two years after that, a new and bigger home in a nicer neighborhood, where my son was born. Fast forward to when I find out that my wife has been cheating on me with a handful of guys the entire relationship. Divorced. Child support. Alimony. Half of retirement gone. I had just gotten a new riding lawnmower!! Yes, the kids are mine; actually,…

I graduated college when I was 26. Got married and was promoted to a career position at work that same year. We had our daughter the summer of the following year. After her birth, my ex, and I couldn’t fathom her going back to work so she became a full-time mother. I can’t tell you how happy I was. All my hard work paid off. I had a job that I could support an entire family on. Bought a home the year my daughter was born and two years after that, a new and bigger home in a nicer neighborhood, where my son was born. Fast forward to when I find out that my wife has been cheating on me with a handful of guys the entire relationship. Divorced. Child support. Alimony. Half of retirement gone. I had just gotten a new riding lawnmower!! Yes, the kids are mine; actually, I don’t know they were never tested. I don’t wanna go there. Other than the affair, I have no reason to suspect they’re not mine. I was crushing my role at work, but that all falls apart after finding this out. I plummet into a deep and manic depression. After twice, attempting suicide, and becoming a heavy drinker and alcoholic, I lose my job. For the next year, I spend my retirement drinking and being unemployed. Now with happiness in my heart, Hardly any alcohol in my life and an open road in front of me. I am living in my brothers house in a bedroom at 48. And starting from scratch in retail, which I hate. I have 20 years of management and leadership experience with a large corporation and now I’m cashiering. I was successful, right? Oh, by the way, my mother died in my home after getting hurt at her place of employment, and then suffering a pulmonary embolism. At that point, I was so happy in my in life I didn’t want retribution on anyone, So we didn’t even discuss a lawsuit (now past the statute of limitations). I just wanted to take care of my mom’s things and make sure I did everything I could to remember her. Had we sued it would’ve been against the company and the hospital and my family and I would be riding unicorns right now. In today’s society, in today’s economy, I will never forgive myself. My kids could’ve had so much and not have to worry like I do, like we do. Calgon take me away. I post it here because now close to 30 years in the labor force. I am so sick of the bullshit out there. I should’ve sued.

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