
Chaos at new job!

(Reposting as recommended by mod) Advice needed! This may be the wrong place to post, but I didn't know where else to ask and it's driving me mad. I basically am looking for validation as it's been a while since I started a new job but something tells me the way I'm feeling isn't normal. For context, I now work as a dog trainer/ kennel carer at a small business. A typical day is kennel cleaning, organizing feeds/ medication and getting all the dogs walked and socialized. However, the place always seems to be on the brink of disaster! The manager is always having mini meltdowns and ushering me into individual “meetings” where a large portion of the conversation is him talking shit about the other dog trainers and kennel assistants. He complains about how disorganized the place is and says it's their fault (hardly surprising, as there's been pretty…

(Reposting as recommended by mod)

Advice needed!

This may be the wrong place to post, but I didn't know where else to ask and it's driving me mad. I basically am looking for validation as it's been a while since I started a new job but something tells me the way I'm feeling isn't normal.

For context, I now work as a dog trainer/ kennel carer at a small business. A typical day is kennel cleaning, organizing feeds/ medication and getting all the dogs walked and socialized. However, the place always seems to be on the brink of disaster!

The manager is always having mini meltdowns and ushering me into individual “meetings” where a large portion of the conversation is him talking shit about the other dog trainers and kennel assistants. He complains about how disorganized the place is and says it's their fault (hardly surprising, as there's been pretty much NO training!) He also tells me he can't seem to retain new staff as two of the current kennel assistants keep chasing people away with their bullying. Also that one of the dog trainers has a temper problem and if ever I feel anxious I should just lock myself in the bathroom and call him. WTF? (FYI that other dog trainer did shout and swear at me on my first day then later gave me a half-assed apology…)

I'm not saying managing a business isn't difficult, I'm sure it is! But the level of disorganization is crazy to me. Dogs need to be cleaned, walked and fed. Sounds simple? Yet every meal time is chaos as everyone tries to decipher the feeding notes which are all over the place (apparently a deliberate move, one of the dog trainers told me, as the kennel assistant who makes the notes withholds information so people have to ask her and it makes her feel smart).

There's no central place where data is kept, it's on multiple computer systems, sticky notes, folders etc with no consistency. I have dyspraxia and after clarifying a feed TWICE before giving it over it turned out it was meant for a different dog. It had medication in it too which could have been really bad, but fortunately the dog didn't eat it. Who knows what could have happened if he did?

Another thing is that there's sooooo much to do that a lot of the time the dogs don't get walked. I try to prioritize dog walking above all else as the dogs look so damn bored and unstimulated in their kennels all day. It breaks my heart and I've been crying in the bathroom on breaks with the guilt. I got pulled up by the boss for this and told there were other things that needed my attention which I acknowledged but I pointed out that I'm just one person. To his credit, he said he understood, but he then went on to say the reason we were so short staffed was because he can't keep anyone and the two kennel assistants he's always bitching about pulled a sickie at the same time that day to “rebel against him”.

I could handle all the stupidity, but the worst part for me is knowing the dogs might not be happy. There's waaaay too many dogs and not enough staff. Also, I STILL haven't received any training and have been pretty much winging it which the boss knows but says he can't do anything about it right now. He also gave me this timesheet app which he admits is difficult to work but says he doesn't know how to work it so I'll have to ask one of the kennel assistants for help figuring it out so I can get paid.

I didn't think it would be like this as the place has good reviews online, but as my husband pointed out it's not the dogs who are leaving the reviews…

Anyway, I admit I'm sensitive to stressful situations and I worried (still worry) that I'm being a baby about all this as my last job was quite cushy so maybe I'm just not used to these kind of working environments. I've spoken to other kennel assistants online and they say unfortunately it's not surprising and that they themselves would never put their dogs into kennels. I even overheard the boss assuring a dog's parent that the dogs get walked everyday and I'm like, omg you liar. I can't tell people that. I don't know if I can continue working here as it's really upsetting me and the level of mayhem feels unrelenting.

I've started job searching already, but I don't know how much longer I can take. Should I ride it out until I can get something else or rely on my savings and run? Am I being a baby or is this all the norm?

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