
ChatGPT is awesome but..

Yes, chatgpt is awesome and it's helped/helping countless of people in their day to day work. But the cynic in me says in the long run it's going to benefit the employers. Calculators, mobile phones, computers, new software, AI, all have been huge tech advances aimed at making our lives easier, but at the end of the day, we're still working 40 hour weeks. Some of us are probably doing the job of 3 people from a decade or two a go yet we know wages haven't increased by that much. My pet peeve is that ChatGPT will do the same. What do you guys think?

Yes, chatgpt is awesome and it's helped/helping countless of people in their day to day work. But the cynic in me says in the long run it's going to benefit the employers. Calculators, mobile phones, computers, new software, AI, all have been huge tech advances aimed at making our lives easier, but at the end of the day, we're still working 40 hour weeks.

Some of us are probably doing the job of 3 people from a decade or two a go yet we know wages haven't increased by that much. My pet peeve is that ChatGPT will do the same.

What do you guys think?

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