
Class action lawsuit against billionaires

For years we have had “trickle down economics” shoved down our throats l, especially when discussing tax cuts. To me, that was a contract that by giving tax breaks to the ultra wealthy, that money would be spent and eventually more money would make its way to the lower classes. What we have found is that more money is being hoarded and less is making its way down to even the middle class. This is unjust enrichment. Since the billionaires have decided to reneg on their contract of spending the money not taken by taxes so that it would flow down, we must use a legal remedy and forcefully separate them from their fortunes. And since many billionaires have business dealings in several states, we can definitely RICO them, especially for their influence in corrupting our democratic republic through political donations and super PACs. We've already seen how billionaires have…

For years we have had “trickle down economics” shoved down our throats l, especially when discussing tax cuts. To me, that was a contract that by giving tax breaks to the ultra wealthy, that money would be spent and eventually more money would make its way to the lower classes.

What we have found is that more money is being hoarded and less is making its way down to even the middle class.

This is unjust enrichment. Since the billionaires have decided to reneg on their contract of spending the money not taken by taxes so that it would flow down, we must use a legal remedy and forcefully separate them from their fortunes.

And since many billionaires have business dealings in several states, we can definitely RICO them, especially for their influence in corrupting our democratic republic through political donations and super PACs.

We've already seen how billionaires have used their influence in the supreme court through undisclosed travel gifts.

Okay, so who's with me!

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