
Clinical interview

TIL at a now defunct Portland Oregon restaurant, Poor Richard's, Hal, the owner had a clinical psychologist do the job interviews. Most employees had decades of service. I probably would not have interviewed had this been the case I found this article and I'll add the following quote from it. When she applied to wait tables in 1973, Jolene Heermann interviewed with a clinical psychologist Hulburt used to screen potential employees. The psychologist recommended against hiring her. “He told Hal that I was a bad risk,” Heermann recalled. “But Hal hired me anyway.”

TIL at a now defunct Portland Oregon restaurant, Poor Richard's, Hal, the owner had a clinical psychologist do the job interviews. Most employees had decades of service. I probably would not have interviewed had this been the case I found this article and I'll add the following quote from it.

When she applied to wait tables in 1973, Jolene Heermann interviewed with a clinical psychologist Hulburt used to screen potential employees. The psychologist recommended against hiring her. “He told Hal that I was a bad risk,” Heermann recalled. “But Hal hired me anyway.”

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